IGNOU Regional Center Lucknow Contact, Address, Study Centers and All Details

Indira Gandhi National Open University is an open University present in each and every state of India. One of the Regional Center is located in Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh.

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History of IGNOU Lucknow Regional Center:

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) Lucknow Regional Center was established on 1st December 1986 with just a center for the study. Now it is one of the largest IGNOU Regional Centers in India on the basis of numbers of learners support center and student enrollment. during the year of establishment, the IGNOU covered the whole region of Uttar Pradesh which included the present state Uttarakhand as well as some parts of Bihar. When a new different state Uttarakhand has created the district of Uttarakhand came under the Regional Center of Dehradun. With the upgradation and expansion and with the decentralization of different activities, new Regional Centers were established at Dehradun, Aligarh, Varanasi, and Noida from the authorization of Regional Center. Then there was a transfer of Lucknow to those Regional Centers. Still after 10 divisions, IGNOU Regional Center, Lucknow is counted among one of the most magnificent and largest Regional Center on the basis of the number of enrollment of learner and jurisdiction. Lucknow Regional Center since those days started with just one study center which was under the supervision of Jai Narain Degree College located at Lucknow. It had a code 2701. For 32 years, IGNOU Lucknow Regional Center has upgraded itself with extraordinary and imperishable growth on the basis of study centers and learners.

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IGNOU RC Lucknow Study Centers List

IGNOU Lucknow RC has currently 54 Study Centers active in Uttar Pradesh. Out of these 54 study centers 14 of them are in Jails of Uttar Pradesh. IGNOU RC Lucknow has currently 76 Learner Support Centers (LSCs). Lucknow Regional center is covering 32 Districts of Uttar Pradesh.
To view the list of Study Centers and find their address and contact details, Download the PDF file from the link given below.

[button-green url=”https://drive.google.com/file/d/1luRiZNHavGC0qnrJpN1fNtC-V6Ul8t5h/view?usp=sharing” target=”_blank” position=”center”]Download List of Study Centers[/button-green]

Present prospects:

At present date, Lucknow Regional Center is looking upon the learners of Uttar Pradesh consisting of 32 districts which have 76 learner support centers. The business center has always encouraged the students with a magnification support network as well as other better opportunity services to learn. Thus, Lucknow Regional Centers winning two gold medals across the Nations. One was in the year 2004 another in the year 2009 among all other Regional Centers, for the best student support service under IGNOU New Delhi just under five years span. In the year 2015, Lucknow Regional Center has shifted to a new campus. The new building was inaugurated on 4th November. Since then Lucknow Regional Center has organized activities and mega-events. In 2016 they have successfully organized a four-day Rojgar Mela collaboration with Uttar Pradesh government along with the organization of North zone regional director meet for 2 days with activities of student support. There have been a special NSS camp organized for seven days by IGNOU Lucknow Regional Centers. On 8 November 2017 IGNOU Lucknow Regional Center has restarted Gyanvani station to facilitate student support to its learner and provide radio counseling.

Activities performed at Lucknow Regional Center:

  • Taking part in national and international education fair
  • Conducting orientation program, co-ordination meeting, seminars, state-level convocation function and programs related to PGDHE
  • Establishing LSC as per demand

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IGNOU RC Lucknow Courses Offered

Diploma – BPO Finance and Accounting, Creative writing in English, Tourism studies, Urdu, Nutrition and Health Education, Watershed management, etc.

Certification – Anti-human trafficking, Business skills, Disaster Management, HIV and family education, Human rights, etc.

Post Graduation – Cyber Law, Agriculture policies, Information security, Patient practice, etc.

Bachelor’s Degree – Arts, Commerce, Education, Social work, Computer Application, etc.

Master’s Degree – Arts, Business Administration, Commerce, Anthropology, Dietetics and food management, etc.

Doctoral Degree – Post Doctoral Certificate in Dialysis Medicine (PDCDM)

Regional CenterLucknow
Official Website http://rclucknow.ignou.ac.in/
Courses offeredAll IGNOU Courses
Districts Covered32

Address of Indira Gandhi National Open University, Lucknow Regional Center:

5-C/INS-1, Sector- 5, Vrindavan Yojna,

Telibagh, Lucknow

Uttar Pradesh-226002, India.

Contact Details:

Phone number– 0522-2442832

Email ID: rclucknow@ignou.ac.in
rclkosss@ignou.ac.in (For general enquiry purpose)
rclkoexam@ignou.ac.in (For exam enquiry)
rclkompdd@ignou.ac.in (For study material enquiry)

FAQs about IGNOU RC Lucknow

Q1. Does IGNOU RC Lucknow provide B.Ed Course?

Ans:-  Yes IGNOU RC Lucknow provides B.Ed course.

Q2. When IGNOU RC Lucknow was established?

Ans:- IGNOU Lucknow RC was established in 1st December 1986.

Q3. Which IGNOU RC to choose for students of Chitrakoot, Ayodhya & Sultanpur District?

Ans:- Students of Chitrakoot, Ayodhya & Sultanpur District will have to choose IGNOU RC Lucknow.

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