Regional Centre

IGNOU Regional Centre Patna, Contact, Address, Study Centers and All Details

IGNOU regional centre Patna was established in Bihar’s Capital Patna on 4th May 1991. It is situated in Bihar and was made with the alliance of 7 other states. However when the state of Bihar got split into Jharkhand and Bihar, the centre was established at Ranchi.

IGNOU centre in Patna is also regarded as the first regional centre that was established in Bihar. After the Partition of Bihar the new centre was made in Ranchi in 2000. It was basically made for the districts located in Jharkhand. Now, IGNOU RC Patna has around 57 Study Centers running in various districts of Bihar.

Note:- For Online Submission of IGNOU Assignment online for TEE June 2020 E-mail id of RC Patna is Or, Click to Get all details about online Submission Here

Related:- IGNOU RC Darbhanga All details

Why Choose IGNOU RC Patna?

The main aim of IGNOU is to advance knowledge to its students and help them learn and grow with the help of distance learning systems. It has the following aims and objectives:

  • It strengthens the economic development of the country by providing the best education to its students with the help of distance learning systems.
  • The professional capabilities and other resources are shared to help improve the distance learning programme.
  • It assesses and accredits the institutions of the country to provide open learning and to promote excellence in the same field all over the country.
  • It helps to develop the networks using the latest technologies and methods for effective programme delivery.
  • Moreover a flexible system of education is provided to meet the challenges of access and equity towards the development of a knowledgeable society.
  • It aims to converge all the systems in order to provide a good basis for learning for the individuals.
  • It promotes global partnership also to enhance the system of distance learning all over the world. Education is promoted and strengthened all over the world and system flourishes with its effect.
  • Need based education and opportunities are provided with the help of this university programme.

Also Check:- IGNOU Regional center Common Prospectus Download 2020

IGNOU RC Patna Study Centres List

IGNOU Regional Center Patna has currently around 57 study centers operative in various districts of Bihar. These Study centers offers various Programs of IGNOU. Here is the list of all IGNOU RC Patna Study centers with Address and LSC Code

SL NoLSC Code Name of Coordinator/PIC, Address of LSC and Contact Details Programmes Offered
1 0501 Dr. Ahmad Hussain IGNOU Study Centre, VanijyaMahavidyalaya, Patna College Campus, Patna-800005 Tel: 0612-2372762 Mobile: 9835050188, 9386108541 E-mail: CTS, CIG, CES, CHR, CTE, CDM, CTPM, CAL, CNM, DTS, PGDHRM, PGDFM, PGDOM, PGDMM, PGDFMP, PGDIBO, PGDDM, PGDAPP, PGJMC, BCOM (C&A), BCOMG, BCOM(F&A), BTS, MP, MPA, MTTM, MEG, MCOM, MCOM(F&T)
2 0509 Dr. A.R. Safi IGNOU Study Centre, Snatakottar Bhawan, J.P. University, Main Road,Gudri, Chapra, Saran-841301 Tel: 06152-237123 Mobile: 9431644861 E-mail: CAFE, CFN, CES, CTE, CTS, CNCC, DTS, DNHE, PGDRD, PGDESD, PGDDM, BAG, BCOMG, BSCG, BTS, MAH, MHD, MPA, MSO, MPS, MARD, MEC, MCOM, MEG,
3 0511 Dr. Ram Bilas Singh IGNOU Study Centre, Gaya College, Gaya-823001 Tel: 0631-2229421 Mobile: 9931020119 E-mail: CAFÉ, CFN, CTPM,CTS, CES, DTS, PGDRD, PGDDM, BAG, BCOMG, BSCG, BTS, BCOM(F&A), BSW, MHD, MAH, MTTM, MCOM, MEC, MEG, MSO, MPA, MPS, MARD, MCOM(F&T)
4 0516P Md. Shams Raza IGNOU Programme Study Centre, St. Xavier Centre of Computer Studies, West Gandhi Maidan, Patna-800001 Tel: 0612-2232635Mobile: 9430828918, 7654801011 E-mail: CIT, ACISE, PGCIS, PGDAST, BCA, MCA, MLIS
5 0519P Dr. NilamVerma IGNOU Programme Study Centre, Deptt. of Paediatrics, Patna Medical College Hospital (PMCH), Patna-800004 Tel: 0612-2265997      Mobile: 9431034788 E-mail: PGDMCH
6 0524 Dr. D.N. Sinha IGNOU Study Centre, Bihar National College, Ashok Raj Path, Patna-800004 Tel: 0612-2301862 Mobile: 9431435952 E-mail: CIG, CTE, CTPM, CPLT, PGDRD, PGDT, BAG, BSCG, MHD, MARD, MPS
7 0529 Prof. (Dr.) Poornima Shekhar Singh IGNOU Study Centre, A.N. College, Boring Road, Patna-800013 Mobile: 9471007084 Email: CJL, CFL, DTG, PGDAW, BAG, BCOMG, BSCG, BLIS, MEC, MAH, MAPC, MHD, MPA, MSO,
8 0532D Dr. Sunita Kumari IGNOU Special Study Centre (W), NIDAN Training Centre, Road No. 06, Rajiv Nagar, Patna-800024 Tel: 0612-2570705Mobile: 9430469895 E-mail: CRD, CFN, CNCC, CES, CTPM, CTE, DECE, DNHE, PGDRD, BAG, BCOMG, MARD
9 0533D Dr. Archana Sinha IGNOU Special Study Centre, Haemophilea Society, Haemophilia Hospital, AdjacentTaramandal (Western Gate), Income Tax Crossing, Patna-800001 Mobile: 8986561115, 9771532185 E-mail: CRD, CFN, CES, CIT, CTPM, CAFÉ, CFAID, DAFE. DNHE, PGDRD, BAG, BCOMG, BCA, MARD
10 0547P Dr. Madhumita Mukherjee IGNOU Programme Study Centre, Indira Gandhi Institute of Cardiology, PMCH, Patna-800004 Tel: 9572322929, 9931456986 E-mail: CHCWM, PGDHHM
11 0549P Dr. (Fr.) Thomas Varghese IGNOU Programme Study Centre, St. Xavier’s College of Education, DighaGhat, Patna-800011 Tel: 0612-2277827, 2260253 E-mail: PGDSLM, PGDET, PGDHE, BED, MAEDU
Sl No LSC Code Name of Coordinator/PIC, Address of LSC and Contact Details Programmes Offered
12 0556 Coordinator IGNOU Study Centre, S.P. Jain College, Sasaram, Rohtas-821115 Tel: 06184-228854 E-mail: PGDRP, PGDDM, BAG, BCOMG, BTS, MHD, MAH, MPS, MEG, MSO, MPA, MCOM, MEC
13 0568 Dr. Shyamal Kishore IGNOU Study Centre, T.P.S. College, Chiraiyatarh, Patna-800001 Mobile: 8102234730, 9934664788 E-mail: CIG, CHR, CCP, CTE, CTS, CRD, DECE, DCH, DMOP, PGDRD, PGDAC, PGDSS, PGDEOH, PGDESD, BAG, BCOMG, BSCG, MAPC, MAPY, MAH, MHD, MEG, MPS, MSO, MARD
14 0570D Shri Jawahar Lal Prabhakar, Jail Supdt. Coordinator Adarsh Central Jail, Patna, Bihar Mob: 9471009824 E-mail: CFN, BAG
15 0573 Dr. R.P. Kachhway IGNOU Study Centre, Nalanda College, Biharsharif, Nalanda-803101 Mobile: 9973611515 E-mail: CAFÉ, CDM, CCP, CRD, CTS, CTE, DAFE, DTS, PGDDM, BAG, BCOMG, BTS, MHD, MEG, MARD, MAH, MPS, MSO, MCOM, MEC, MPA
16 0577 Dr. Sunil Kumar Yadav IGNOU Study Centre, K.K.M. College, Jamui-811307 Tel: 06345-224730Mobile: 9199484252, 8541099520 E-mail: BAG, BCOMG, BTS, DTS, MEG, MHD, MAH, MPS, MPA, MSO, MARD, MEC, MCOM
17 0586P Shri P.K. Singh IGNOU Programme Study Centre, Budha Educational & Economic Development Institute, 2nd Floor, Beside State Bank Bldg., Cinema Road, Hajipur, Vaishali-844101 Mobile: 9386433779 Email: CIT, BCA
18 0588 Dr. Md. Shahnawaz IGNOU Study Centre, Patna Muslim Science College, B.M. Das Road, Patna-800 004 Tel: 0612-2300700Mobile: 9835005301 E-mail: BAG, BSCG
19 0591 Dr. Bharat Kumar Choubey IGNOU Study Centre, M.V. College, Buxar-802101 Mobile: 9718039833 E-mail: CAFÉ, CFN, CNCC, CIT, DAFE, BAG, BCOMG, BSCG, MAH, MHD, MEC, MSO, MPS
20 0593 Mr. Sanjay Kumar IGNOU Study Centre, MaaKamlaChandrikajee Management Institute, C. Nagar, Nauru, Jehanabad-804408 Mobile: 9334167615, 9973332566 Email: CFN, CES, BAG, BCOMG, MSO, MAH, MHD
21 0594D Mr. Ajit Kumar IGNOU Special Study Centre, Nalanda Educational & Entrepreneurship Development School [NEEDS], Qummrudin Ganj, Bihar Sharif, Nalanda-803101 Tel: 06112-231784 Mobile: 9431018518, 9386432001 Email: CIT, BCA, BAG, BCOMG
22 05136P Mr. Rakesh Kumar ‘Arun’ IGNOU Programme Study Centre, Islamia Teachers’ Training (B.Ed.) College, Phulwari Sharif, Patna-801505 Tel: 0612-2555882 Mobile:9334108449 E-mail: MAEDU
23 05138 Dr. S.P. Jaiswal IGNOU Study Centre, Bihar Vidyapith, Sadaquat Ashram, Patna-800010 Tel: 0612-2262525Mobile: 9430589659 Email: CFE, CFN, CNCC, CRD, CAFÉ, CTE, CCP, CTPM, DNHE, DECE, DCE, DAFE, PGDESD, PGDEMA, PGDET, PGDRD, PGDHE, PGDT, PGDUPDL BAG, BCOMG, BSW, MARD, MADE, MAGD, MEG, MATS, MAWGS, MSW, MSWC, MAPY, MAEDS
24 05143P Dr. Anil Kumar IGNOU Programme Study Centre, MaaKamla Chandrika Jee Teachers Training College, C. Nagar, Jehanabad-804408 Mobile: 9835938099, 8294376002 Email: PGDET, MAEDU
25 05147P Mr. Avinash Kumar IGNOU Programme Study Centre, Magadh Educational Development Institute, Mata Khudi Lane, Mahendru, Patna-800006 Tel: 0612-6420235 Mobile: 9431372581 E-mail: CIT, DEVMT, BCA
26 05151P Dr. S.P. Singh IGNOU Programme Study Centre, Chanakya National Law University, Behind Jakanpur Police Station, Mithapur Agriculture Farm Area, Patna-800001 Tel: 0612-2552300 Mobile: 9431622508 E-mail: CHR, CAHT, CIHL, PGCCL,PGCAP, PGDCJ, PGDIPR
27 05160 Dr. Dilip Kumar Singh IGNOU Study Centre, A.B. Singh Mahavidyalaya, Jagannath Basant, Lalganj, Vaishali-844121 Mobile: 9304991392, 8434966909 Email: DCE, BAG, BCOMG, BTS, MAH, MHD, MSO, MPS
28 05161 Dr. Kundan Kumar Singh IGNOU Study Centre, H.D. Jain College, Ara, Bhojpur-802301 Mobile: 9431070230 E-mail: BAG, BCOMG, BTS, MEC, MAH, MCOM, MPS, MHD
29 05162D Dr. Indu Kumari Bhardwaj IGNOU Spl. Study Centre (W), MahilaMahavidyalaya, Barahiya, LakhisaraI-811302 Mobile: 7488801018 E-mail: CFN, CNCC, CIT, DNHE, BAG, BCOMG
30 05167 Dr. Nawal Prasad IGNOU Study Centre, S.K.R. College, Barbigha, Sheikhpura, Bihar-811101 Mobile: 8409947434 Email: BAG, BCOMG
31 05168D Ms. Namrata IGNOU Special Study Centre, Sugiya Devi Memorial School of Management & Information Technology, S.S. Nagar, Ashiana Road, Patna-800014 Mobile: 9334389281 E-mail: CFN, BAG, BSW, MSW
32 05169P Ms. Jaymala Kumari IGNOU Programme Study Centre Patna Dairy Project, VaishalPatliputraDugdhUtpadak, Sahkari Sangh Ltd. Feeder Balancing Dairy Complex, Phulwari Sharif, Patna-801505 Tel: 0612-2252553 Mobile: 7011241869 E-mail: APDF, DDT
33 05170P Shri Rathis Nair IGNOU Programme Study Centre College of Nursing, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Phulwarisharif, Patna-801507 (Bihar) Tel: 0612-2451201 Mobile: 7766905578 E-mail: CNIN, CMCHN, DNA, DCCN
34 05171D Coordinator IGNOU Special Study Centre MSM Samta Trust Library Jawaj, Jandaha, Vaishali-844505 (Bihar) Mobile: 9931822816 E-mail: BAG
35 05172 Dr. C.B. Singh IGNOU Study Centre, D.A.V. Post Graduate College, Siwan-841226 Mobile: 7282887208 E-mail: DPLAD, BAG, BCOMG, MAH, MEG, MHD, MPS, MSO, MEC, MCOM, MPA
36 05173 Dr. Arvind Ram IGNOU Study Centre, Y.N. College, Dighwara, Saran, Bihar Tel: 06158-281999Mobile: 9473227037 E-mail: BAG, BCOMG, MAH, MSO, MEG, MHD, MPS
37 05174 Mr. K.M. Singh IGNOU Study Centre, Shahid Sanjay Singh Mahila College, Bhabhua, Kaimur-821101 Tel: 06189-224896Mobile: 9430562678, 8804226223 E-mail: BAG, MSO, MAH, MEC, MEG, MHD, MPS
38 05175 Dr. Khalid Hussain Siddique IGNOU Study Centre, Raj Narain College, Hajipur, Vaishali-844101 Tel: 06242-265512 Mobile: 9431434111 E-mail: CFN, DNHE, BAG, BCOMG, MPS, MHD, MAH, MSO, MPA
39 05176P ProgrammeIncharge IGNOU Programme Study Centre, District Hospital Nalanda, Bhasasur (West BhasasurChauraha) Bihar Sharif, Nalanda, Bihar-803101 Tel: 06112-239001 Email: CCH
40 05177 Dr. Niranjan Kumar Dubey IGNOU Study Centre, S.A. Eklavya Degree Mahavidyalaya AT+PO-Jamui, Jamui-811307 Mobile: 9801175726 Email: BAG, MAH, MHD, MPS
41 05178P ProgrammeIncharge IGNOU Programme Study Centre, Sadar Hospital, Hajipur, Vaishali-844101 Email: CCH
42 05179D Sh. Manoj Kumar, Jail Supdt., Coordinator District Jail, Bihar Sharif, Nalanda Mobile: 9471009833 E-mail: CFN, BAG
43 05180D Sh. Yusuf Rizwan, Jail Supdt., Coordinator, District Prison, Ara, Bhojpur Mobile: 9471009862 E-mail: BAG, BECOMG
44 05181D Sh. Ramesh Prasad, Jail Supdt., Coordinator District Jail, Hajipur, Vaishali Mobile: 9471009834 E-mail: CFN, BAG, BCOMG
45 05182D Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, Jail Supdt., Coordinator District Jail, Sasaram, Rohtas Mobile: 9471009861 E-mail: BAG, BCOMG
46 05183D Sh. Cyprinn Toppo, Jail Supdt., Coordinator District Jail, Jamui Mobile: 9471009847 E-mail: BAG, BCOMG
47 05184P Dr. Amrendra Narayan Jha ProgrammeIncharge IGNOU Programme Study Centre, Sadar Hospital, Aurangabad, Mobile: 9470003061 Email: CCH
48 05185P Dr. Mahtab Khan ProgrammeIncharge IGNOU Programme Study Centre, Sadar Hospital, Bhabhua, Kaimur Mobile: 9470003354 Email: CCH
49 05186P Dr. Sajjan Kumar Pansari Programme In-charge IGNOU Programme Study Centre, Guru Govind Singh SadarHospital,Main Road, Ashok Rajpath, Patna-800008 Mobile: 8544421659 Email: CCH
50 05187P Dr. Ravi Bhushan Srivastava Programme In-charge IGNOU Programme Study Centre, Sadar Hospital, Buxar Near Central Jail Road, Mallahchaklya Buxar-802101 Ph. No. 06183-224628 E-mail: CCH
51 05188P Dr. Janardan Sharma Programme In-charge IGNOU Programme Study Centre, Sadar Hospital, Sasaram,Rohtas-821115 Ph. No. 9473191893 Email: CCH
52 05189P Dr. Arjun Prasad Programme In-charge IGNOU Programme Study Centre, Sadar Hospital, Sheikhpura-811105, Ph No. 06341-225172 Email: CCH
53 05190P Dr. (Major) Ajay Kumar Sharma Programme In-charge IGNOU Programme Study Centre, District Hospital, SadarHospital,Chapra, Saran-841301 Ph No. 06152-244812 Email: CCH
54 05191P Dr. Sayed Naushad Ahmad Programme In-charge IGNOU Special Study Centre, Sadar Hospital, Jamui,Jamui-811307, Ph No. 06345-224563 Email: CCH
55 05192D Shri Rajiv Kumar, Coordinator IGNOU Special Study Centre Central Jail, Gaya At-Rampur, PS-Rampur, Gaya-823001, Ph. 9471009825 E-mail: CFN, CAFÉ, CTS, BAG, BCOMG
56 05193D Shri Vijay Kumar Arora IGNOU Special Study Centre Central Jail, Buxar-802102 Ph: 06183-222011, 9471009831 Email: CAFÉ, CFN, DAFE, BAG, BCOMG
57 46012P Er. Sunil Kumar IGNOU Programme Study Centre, Budha Educational & Economic Development Institute Municipal Chowk, Chapra, Saran-841301 Mobile: 9386970967, 9931076250 E-mail: CCITSK, DBPOFA, CIT, BCA

IGNOU RC Patna Address and Contact

The centre is located at the heart of the city and is surrounded by a very peaceful atmosphere. This creates a very good atmosphere for the students to study. There are various facilities which are available and the students can avail the facilities at any time. Other activities are also held within the campus. The location of the campus is such that it is very eye catchy for the visitors also.

To contact IGNOU RC Patna visit

Institutional Area, Mithapur
Patna – 800 001
Bihar (India)
Biscomaun Bhawan, 2nd, West Gandhi Maidan, Patna, Bihar.

Phone No. : 0612-2365039, 2360080
Mobile No. : 8521919590
Official Website:

News:- IGNOU Patna RC Campus Placement Drive

IGNOU Regional Center Patna Facts

IGNOU Regional Centre Patna operates over 17 Districts of Bihar i.e  Aurangabad, Arwal, Bhojpur, Buxar, Gaya, Jamui, Jehanabad, Kaimur, Lakhisarai, Nalanda, Nawada, Patna, Rohtas, Saran, Sheikhpura, Siwan and Vaishali

Courses offered in IGNOU RC Patna

Master’s Degree
Master of Arts (Economics) (MEC)
Master of Arts (English) (MEG)
Master of Arts (Hindi) (MHD)
Master of Arts (History) (MAH)
Master of Arts (Political Science) (MPS)
Master of Arts (Public Administration) (MPA)
Master of Arts (Sociology) (MSO)
Master of Arts (Tourism Management) (MTM)
Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Master of Education (MEd )
Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS)
PG and Advance Diploma
PG Diploma in Translation (PGDT)
Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management (PGDDM)
Post-Graduate Diploma in Adult Education: Participatory Adult Learning, Documentation and Information Networking (PGDAE)
Post-Graduate Diploma in Audio Programme Production (PGDAPP)
Post-Graduate Diploma in Distance Education (PGDDE)
Post-Graduate Diploma in District Health Management (PGDDHM)
Post-Graduate Diploma in Environment and Sustainable Development (PGDESD)
Post-Graduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDHE)
Post-Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Health Management (PGDHHM)
Post-Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication (PGJMC)
Post-Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN)
Post-Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health (PGDMCH )
Post-Graduate Diploma in Radio Programme Production (PGDRPP)
Post-Graduate Diploma in Rural Development (PGDRD)
PG and Advance Certificate
Post Graduate Certificate in Cyber Law (PGCCL)
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor of Arts (Tourism Studies) (BTS)
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
Bachelor of English (BA)
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
Bachelor Preparatory Programme (BPP)
Diploma in Creative Writing in English (DCE)
Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (DECE)
Diploma in HIV and Family Education (DAFE)
Diploma in Management (DIM)
Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education (DNHE)
Diploma in Tourism Studies (DTS)
Certificate in Consumer Protection (CCP)
Certificate in Disaster Management (CDM)
Certificate in Environmental Studies (CES)
Certificate in Food and Nutrition (CFN)
Certificate in Guidance (CIG)
Certificate in HIV and Family Education (CAFE)
Certificate in Information Technology (CIT)
Certificate in Nutrition and Childcare (CNCC)
Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTS)
Certificate in Visual Arts – Applied Arts (CVAA)
Certificate in Visual Arts – Painting (CVAP)
Certificate Programme in Laboratory Techniques (CPLT)
Certificate Programme in Rural Development (CRD)
Certificate Programme Teaching of Primary School Mathematics (CTPM)
Appreciation Programmes
Appreciation Course on Environment (ACE)

Regional CenterPatna
Number of Study Centers57
Courses OfferedAll IGNOU Courses
Mode of EducationDistance Education
Q1. Which IGNOU Regional Center to choose for Saran and Siwan District?

Ans:- Saran & Siwan were under RC, Darbhanga but now these two districts has been transferred to the jurisdiction of RC, Patna. So, You need to choose RC Patna.

Q2. How many Districts are covered by IGNOU RC Patna?

Ans:- IGNOU RC Patna currently covers over 17 Districts of Bihar these are Aurangabad, Arwal, Bhojpur, Buxar, Gaya, Jamui, Jehanabad, Kaimur, Lakhisarai, Nalanda, Nawada, Patna, Rohtas, Saran, Sheikhpura, Siwan and Vaishali.

Q3. Is IGNOU RC Patna still covers Banka and Munger?

Ans:- Banka and Munger were covered by Ignou RC Patna but from October 2010 these study centers have shifted to IGNOU Regional Center Bhagalpur.

Q4. Does IGNOU Patna offers B.Ed Course?

Ans:- Yes, IGNOU Regional Center Patna offers 2 year B.Ed Course.

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Osheen Jain

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