
IGNOU B.A. Course Structure 2021 Complete Details

IGNOU Admissions are going on and many of you are looking to take admission in BA course. But before taking admission you must aware about IGNOU BA Course Structure. We understand that the bachelor of arts program of IGNOU can be a little difficult to understand. that is why we have brought to you a very detailed understanding and structure of the BA course from IGNOU. You’ll also find the IGNOU syllabus for BA programme.

Details of B.A. IGNOU Programme

Before we talk about the course structure of BA Course, you should be aware of the eligibility criteria along with duration and fee structure for the BA programme. So here are the details of B.A. IGNOU Programme –

ProgrammeBachelor of Arts
Eligibility10+2 or its equivalent or BPP from IGNOU
Medium of InstructionEnglish and Hindi
DurationMinimum 3 years and Maximum 6 years
IGNOU BA Fees Rs. 7,200/- for full programm

The fee to be paid year wise @Rs. 2,400/- per year. in 1st year including Registration Fee of Rs. 200/- you will have to pay a total of Rs. 2,600/- for B.A.

IGNOU BA and BAG (BA General) both are different. Check IGNOU BA (General) BAG Course structure & Credits

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Important IGNOU BA Course Links

IGNOU BA Admission 2021
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IGNOU BA Syllabus
IGNOU BA Study Material
IGNOU ID Card Download

Must Read – IGNOU BA Solved Assignment Papers

IGNOU B.A. Course Structure

 The bachelor of arts program in IGNOU is offered for Hindi comma English, Urdu, Political Science, History, Economics, Public Administration, Sociology, Philosophy, And Psychology. no matter which program you want to pursue in bachelor of arts from it you will have to cover 96 credits in 3 years while you can complete the degree in a maximum for 6 years.

You will have to choose this plan from three different types of courses. First is the foundation courses where 24 credits are compulsory second is the elected courses and third is the application-oriented courses. You can choose a minimum of 8 credit course from the application-oriented course or you can take 16 credits which will be balanced from the elective section.

  1. Foundation Courses – 24 credits compulsory
  2. Elective Courses – 64 credits for 56 credits
  3. Application-oriented courses – Minimum 8 or Maximum 16

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IGNOU BA Year-wise Scheme of Study

Year of Study Foundation Courses Elective Courses Application Oriented Courses Total Credits
First Year 16 credits 16 credits N/A 32 Credits
Second Year 8 credits 24 credits N/A 32 credits
Third Year N/A 24 credits or 16 Credits 8 Credits or 16 Credits 32 credits
Total 24 credits 56/64 credits 8/16 credits 96 credits

1. IGNOU BA Foundation Courses List

All Students who are doing BA needs to choose Foundation Courses. You need 24 credits to complete BA Foundation Course. If you want to earn all 24 credits in foundation courses, you need to take
BSHF-101, BEGF-101 or FHD-2 and any one of the left language course in the 1st
Year and FST-01 in the 2nd Year.

Course Code Course Title Credits
Compulsory Courses
BSHF-101 Foundation Course in Humanities and Social Sciences 8
FST-1 Foundation Course in Science and Technology 8
BEGF-101 Foundation Course in English   or 14
FHD-2 Foundation Course in Hindi-2 4
And any one of the following courses
FEG-2 Foundation Course in English-2 4
BHDF-101 Foundation Course in Hindi-1 4
FAS-1 Foundation Course in Assamese 4
FBG-1 Foundation Course in Bengali 4
FGT-1 Foundation Course in Gujarati 4
FKD-1 Foundation Course in Kannada 4
FML-1 Foundation Course in Malayalam 4
FMT-1 Foundation Course in Marathi 4
FOR-1 Foundation Course in Oriya 4
FPB-1 Foundation Course in Punjabi 4
FTM-1 Foundation Course in Tamil 4
FTG-1 Foundation Course in Telugu 4
FUD-1 Foundation Course in Urdu 4
BSKF-001 Foundation Course in Sanskrit 4
BMAF-001 Foundation Course in Maithili 4
FKD-1 Foundation Course in Bhojpuri 4

2. IGNOU BA Elective Courses List

You need to collect 56 or 64 credits in Elective course. IGNOU offers Elective courses in respective Subjects or Disciplines. These Subjects are Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, English, Hindi, Urdu, Economics, History, Public Administration, Political Science, Commerce, Rural Development, Mathematics and Social Work.


ECO-01 Business Organisation   4
ECO-02 Accountancy-I 4
ECO-03 Management Theory 4
ECO-05 Mercantile Law 4
ECO-06 Economic Theory 4
ECO-07 Elements of Statistics 4
ECO-08 Company Law 4
ECO-09 Money, Banking and Financial Institutions 4
ECO-10 Elements of Costing 4
ECO-11 Elements of Income-Tax 4
ECO-12 Elements of Auditing 4
ECO-13 Business Environment 4
ECO-14 Accountancy-II 4
BULE-001 Urdu Sakht Ke Anaasir 8
BULE-002 Urdu Zabaan Ki Tareekh 8
BULE-003 Urdu Shaeri 8
BULE-004 Urdu Fiction 8
BULE-005 Urdu Ki Gair Afsanvee Nasr 8
BULE-006 Urdu Adab Ki Tareekh 8
BEGE-101* From Language to Literature 8
BEGE-102* The Structure of Modern English 8
BEGE-103* Communication Skills in English 8
BEGE-104 English for Business Communication (Formerly EEG-4) 8
BEGE-105* Understanding Prose 8
BEGE-106* Understanding Poetry 8
BEGE-107* Understanding Drama (Formerly EEG-7) 8
BEGE-108* Reading the Novel
EHD-01 Hindi Gadya 8
EHD-02 Hindi Kavya 8
EHD-03 Hindi Sahitya Ka Itihas Evam Sahitya Parichaya 8
EHD-04 Madhyakaleen Bhartiya Sahitya: Samaj aur Sanskriti 8
EHD-05 Adhunik Bharatiya Sahitya: Rashtriya Chetana aur Nav Jagran 8
EHD-06 Hindi Bhasha : Itihas aur Vartman 8
EHD-07 Hindi Samranchna 8
EHD-08 Prayojanmulak Hindi 8
EEC-11 Fundamentals of Economics 8
BECE-002 Indian Economic Development: Issues & Perspectives 8
EEC-13 Elementary Statistical Methods and Survey Techniques 8
BECE-214 Agricultural Development in India (Revised Version of EEC-14) 8
BECE-016 Economic Development: Comparative Analyses & Contemporary Issues 8
BECE-107 Industrial Development in India 8
EHI-01 Modern India 1857-1964 8
EHI-02 India: Earliest Times to the 8th Century A.D. 8
EHI-03 India from 8th to 15th Century A.D. 8
EHI-04 India from 16th to Mid 18th Century 8
EHI-05 India from Mid 18th to Mid 19th Century 8
EHI-06 History of China and Japan 1840-1949 8
BHIE-107 Modern Europe (Mid 18th to Mid 20th Century) 8
Public Administration
EPA-01 Administrative Theory 8
BPAE-102 Indian Administration 8
EPA-03 Development Administration 8
BPAE-104 Personnel Administration 8
EPA-05 Financial Administration 8
EPA-06 Public Policy 8
Political Science
EPS-11 Political Ideas and Ideologies 8
BPSE-212 Government and Politics in India 8
EPS-03 Modern Indian Political Thought 8
EPS-15 South Asia: Economy, Society and Politics 8
EPS-06 Government and Politics in East and South-East Asia 8
EPS-07 International Relations 8
EPS-08 Government and Politics in Australia 8
EPS-09 Comparative Government and Politics 8
ESO-11 The Study of Society 8
ESO-12 Society in India 8
ESO-13 Sociological Thought 8
ESO-14 Society and Stratification 8
ESO-15 Society and Religion 8
ESO-16 Social Problems in India 8
Rural Development
BRDE-101 Rural Development in Indian Context 8
MTE-01 Calculus 4
MTE-02 Linear Algebra 4
MTE-04 Elementary Algebra to be taken together 2
MTE-05 Analytical Geometry 2
MTE-06 Abstract Algebra 4
MTE-07 Advanced Calculus 4
MTE-08 Differential Equations 4
MTE-09 Real Analysis 4
MTE-10 Numerical Analysis 4
MTE-11 Probability and Statistics 4
MTE-12 Linear Programming 4
MTE-13 Discrete Mathematics 4
MTE-14 Mathematical Modelling 4
Social Work
BSWE-004 Introduction to Family Education 8
BSWE-005 Introduction to HIV/AIDS 8
BSWE-006 Substance Abuse and Counselling 8
BPY-001 Indian Philosophy : Part I 4
BPY-002 Logic: Classical and Symbolic 4
BPY-003 Ancient and Medieval Philosophy 4
BPY-004 Religions of the World 4
BPY-005 Indian Philosophy : Part II 4
BPY-006 Metaphysics 4
BPY-007 Ethics 4
BPY-008 Modern Western Philosophy 4
BPY-009 Contemporary Western Philosophy 4
BPY-0010 Epistemology 4
BPY-0011 Philosophy of Human Persons 4
BPY-0012 Philosophy of Science and Cosmology 4
BPYE-001 Philosophy of Religion 4
BPYE-002 Tribal and Dalit Philosophy 4
BPC-001 General Psychology 4
BPC-002 Developmental Psychology 4
BPC-003 Research Methods in Psychology 4
BPC-004 Statistics in Psychology 4
BPC-005 Theories of Personality 4
BPC-006 Social Psychology 4
BPCL-007 Practicals in Psychological Testing 4
BPCL-008 Practicals in Experimental Psychology 4
BPCE-014 Psychopathology 4
BPCE-015 Industrial and Organisational Psychology  4
BPCE-017 Introduction to Counselling Psychology 4
BPCE-011 School Psychology 4
BPCE-013 Motivation and Emotion 4
BPCE-018 Neuropsychology  4
BPCE-019 Environmental Psychology 4
BPCE-021 Forensic Psychology 4

BPCE-022 Practicum in Clinical Psychology or Counselling Psychology or Industrial 4
and Organisational Psychology
BPCE-023 Internship in Psychology 4

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3. IGNOU BA Application Oriented Courses

Application Oriented Programme is the third Essential component of BA Program. These courses are totally based on your Skills and choice which will enhance your skills further. You must select at least 8 credits from Application oriented course while at max 16 Credits you can choose. Number of Credits in Application oriented course also depends upon number of credits you opt in Elective courses. Suppose if you have opted 56 credits in Elective course than you can take 16 credits of Application oriented courses but if you have opted 64 credits in Elective course than you can only take 8 Credits of BA Application Oriented courses.

List of IGNOU BA Application Oriented Course

[button-blue url=”″ target=”” position=”center”]Download Full Detailed BA Course Structure[/button-blue]

Grouping of Elective courses in Bachelors Degree Programme

You need to know groups in Elective Courses if you are trying to get admission in IGNOU BA Course.
[button-blue url=”” target=”” position=”center”]Download Grouping List of Elective Courses PDF[/button-blue]

Choosing Major – BA Course

 When you decided on your courses you can choose to study one particular discipline that will become the BA major which can help you to study the same subject in depth during your postgraduate studies. If you want to do a Bachelor of Arts in a particular subject you can do it in available options English, Hindi, Urdu, Economics, History, Political Science, Public Administration, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy and Mathematics.

While choosing your major you choose courses worth 48 credits from a particular discipline apart from mathematics. If you want to do a B.A. in mathematics you have to choose 40 credit courses from electives to obtain a degree as BSC major.

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B.A. (General)

If you do not want to major in one particular subject you can choose a subject from different fields and different courses but you will be at a loss and you will not know any subject in depth. So what you can do is that you choose courses from 2 or 3 disciplines. Though remember that this will not lead to a B.A. Major degree.

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View Comments

  • Hello, I'm pursuing BAG- first year, but i wanted to pursue for History honours.
    May you please tell me that is it possible now,to opt history honours!?

  • I want to do BA (English Major) course or BA (General Course. Is it necessary to do Foundation Course?

  • I wanted a BA major degree in History by mistake I took two subjects from other discipline. Until now I have selected 40 credits from History. Can I get a BA HISTORY degree if I change any ONE of the 8 credit subject to the history subjects.
    If how can I change the subject?

  • I hv completed my b.a major course in history but in graduation I hv also an elective subject hindi.plz suggest am I eligible to show hindi as my another main subject in my cv??
    Or am I eligible for tgt in case of major in history b.a from IGNOU.
    Thank you

  • Sir,

    I want to join a BA sociology programme. I want to kNow the structure of the course, like how many subjects do I have to study and which subject as gee things are quite complicated than DU(p) course and I didn't get it. So pls clarify

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