How to Calculate IGNOU Percentage Online

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is one of the best distance learning and open institutes in India. It is situated in New Delhi and it is popularly called as IGNOU. IGNOU provides various post graduates and under graduates to the students. Huge numbers of the students are studying in various courses under IGNOU. IGNOU declares its results of Term End Exam for both sessions. But After declaration of results Students often got confused about IGNOU Percentage Calculation. This article is going to help you to calculate IGNOU Percentage Online of Term End Exam.

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How to Calculate IGNOU percentage

IGNOU calculates the percentage for every subject based on assignment marks and theory marks. The students who are studying in IGNOU should try to score good marks in both assignments and theory papers in the semester exam. IGNOU accomplishes half yearly semester exams i.e TEE two times in the month of December and June. The students have to submit the assignment solution paper to the regional center of IGNOU before the last date. IGNOU gives the assignment question to the students based on their preferred subjects. The students should provide the different answers in different way in the assignment solved paper. If the students copied the assignment answers from any existing solved assignment paper or study material, then the exam board of IGNOU will accept the solved assignment papers of the students. The exam board of IGNOU considers the percentage on the basis of 30:70 in the subject. IGNOU will calculate the students percentage based on 30% assignment marks and 70% theory marks in the subject. The students who are studying IGNOU should attain minimum 40 out of 100, 20 out of 50 in theory as well as 50 out of 100 in assignment for the semester exam. If the students who have failed in theory exam, but they have got 50 % in assignment. Then, the students need not to submit the assignment paper to the regional center of IGNOU.

Related:- IGNOU Passing Marks for BA, BAG, BSC, B.com and other courses

IGNOU Percentage Calculator

The students who have submitted and passed in the assignment paper before the last date and it will be valid for entire duration of course. Those students should reappear in the theory subject and have to crack the exam. If the students who got pass mark in theory but failed in the assignment paper, then they should resubmit the assignment paper to the regional study center of IGNOU.

IGNOU will provide the grade based on the students’ achievement in education and discipline. The students who have scored 80% and above will be excellent, 60% to 79% will be very good, 50 to 59% will be good, 40% and 49% will be satisfactory and finally below 40% will be unsatisfactory in the grade card. IGNOU avoid the decimal number and it will consolidate the mark rounded in the offense. To know how to calculate IGNOU percentage You should know these first. For example, the students who got 25.1, 25.2, 25.3, 25.4, and 25.5 in any subjects, then the grade card will show on 25 as well as the students who got 26.6, 26.7, 26.8, and 26.9, and then the grade card of IGNOU will show 27. IGNOU percentage calculation will be differed for every subject. To calculate IGNOU percentage, total number of marks got in the exam / number of subjects will give the result of percentage.

Must Read:- IGNOU Marksheet dispatch Status & duplicate grade card issue

Steps to calculate IGNOU percentage

The students can easily calculate their IGNOU percentage by their own without any internet. Before that, the students have to know their correct theory and assignment marks for all subjects in the semester. IGNOU will issue the assignment and theory marks out of 100. The students need to convert their theory and assignment mark in to the percentage ration of 30:70. Here, we are providing the simple steps to explain about how to calculate IGNOU percentage. The interested students can go and look after the given points about IGNOU percentage calculation.

Lets’ have a look:

  • First, the students have to collect all subjects’ theory and assignment mark.
  • After that, draw the table and fill the marks for each subject individually.
  • Then, convert the theory mark in to 70% and assignment mark in to 30 %.
  • Now, add 70% of theory marks of the programme and 30% of assignment marks to get the aggregation.
  • Now, sum the entire total to get grand total of the subjects.
  • Here, divide the grand total by total number of subjects in the semester
  • Within the minute, IGNOU percentage will be calculated.

Also Check:- IGNOU Latest Results (Updated) Check Online

FAQs Related to IGNOU Percentage Calculation Online

How students can calculate Percentage from IGNOU?

It is very easy to calculating percentage without the help of Internet. You should have to know correct theory and your assignments marks of your respected semester. The total marks of theory and assignment is 100 which has the ratio of 30:70.
Now, let’s see how you can calculate percentage:
First of all student have to collect marks of both “Assignment and theory”.
Now after that you have to draw table and has to fill marks of each subject in it.
The theory total marks is 70% and assignment total marks is 30%.
Now, add 70% of theory marks of the programme and 30% of assignment marks to get the aggregation.
Now, sum the entire total to get grand total of the subjects.

What is the minimum passing marks for BA in IGNOU?

The passing imprints in IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) in any subject out of 100 are 35 in principle and for assignments need to score above half methods out of 100 you ought to in any event get 50 marks.
Whenever got 35 in principle implies one is go in subject and don’t need to show up for test again without assignments imprints included one is pass. Be that as it may, in the event that one gets beneath 50 in assignments one is bombed in Assignments and need to submit assignments once more

What students can do after completing M.com from IGNOU?

There is not another criteria for that. This is a post graduation means if you are getting any good job then must take it.

IGNOU Important Information

IGNOU Akashdeep IGNOU Fees IGNOU lectures Video
IGNOU Grade Card Status IGNOU Mark Sheet Status IGNOU Study Material
IGNOU Exam Improvement Form IGNOU Must Read Books IGNOU B.Ed Admission
IGNOU Scholarship IGNOU 33rd Convocation 2020 IGNOU Passing Marks

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