Exam Information

IGNOU Passing Marks for BEG, BA, MA, MEG, MPS, BCA, MCA, MEC etc.

Indira Gandhi National and Open University (IGNOU) conducts annual Term End Exams for every session and every years. After the results of these exams students usually got confused about IGNOU Passing Marks for their subjects. IGNOU Passing marks and passing percentage for all subjects of IGNOU out of 100 or out of 50 can be checked by students in this article. If the students who have failed in assignment or term end theory, then they should submit again IGNOU assignment or the students should reappear in IGNOU term theory exam. But, if you have got passing marks in your all subjects you will be declared passed.

Minimum Passing Marks in IGNOU Term End Exam

Indira Gandhi National and Open University offer various under graduate and post graduate courses in all over India. Huge numbers of students are studying under IGNOU regional study center. The exam board will be provided the passing marks for theory, practical and assignments for each subject in the official site. The students of IGNOU have to pass the assignment, term end theory and term end practically separately. The students can view and check the passing marks from the official site. IGNOU will calculate different passing marks for each subject. Basically, IGNOU passing marks for theory is 35 out of 100 and 50 out of assignments. The exam board of IGNOU will issue passing marks out of 100, 70 and 50 for all subjects in the official site. For fear that, if the students who have passed in theory but failed in assignment, then they have to submit the IGNOU assignment to the study center of IGNOU. The students should submit the assignment before the last due date. If the students who have failed in term end theory but passed in assignment, then the student has to reappear end term theory again. The students have to score more than or equal to 50 percent in term end exam will be passed or rest will be fail status or incomplete in grade card of IGNOU.

IGNOU Paasing Marks for Bachelor Degree Students

  • Minimum passing marks is 18 out of 50 marks paper.
  • Minimum passing marks is 35 out of 100 marks paper.
  • For 25 Marks papers, passing marks is 9.

Also Check:- IGNOU Percentage calculator for TEE Dec 2019 Exam

Passing Marks for IGNOU Master Degree Students

  • Minimum passing marks is 20 out of 50 marks paper.
  • Minimum passing marks is 40 out of 100 marks paper.

Related:- IGNOU Marksheet Dispatch Status and Duplicate Grade card

Marks Given in Grade Card

S.No. Grade Marks Obtained
1 A 80 and above
2 B 60 to 79
3 C 50 to 59
4 D 40 to 49
5 E 35 to 39
6 F Below 35

Note: For the assignments which are all of 100 marks only, the passing mark is 35 for all students.

Also Check:- IGNOU Grade Card Status for TEE Dec 2019 

IGNOU Passing Percentage

IGNOU will also provide pass percentage, cut off marks and merit list in the official site. 36% percentage out of 50 is considered as the pass mark by IGNOU. IGNOU will pursue approximation norm for the pass percentage calculation. If the students who got 17.5 in any one of the subject, then it will be displayed as 18 as well as the student who got 18.4 will be shown as 18. for Bachelors If the students got 32 marks instead 35 marks in any subject, then they have not passed in the particular paper. The passing mark for theory subject is 35 out of 100 and the students need to score at least 50 marks in assignment. Conversely, the students are failed to get below 50 marks in the assignment and 35 marks in theory will again write the exam and submit the assignment to regional center. If the students who have partial written under term end exam, then the students will be failed in term end exam. The students those who are not completed term end practical, then they will be failed in TEP (Term End Practical). IGNOU will also issue the passing marks for all programs under IGNOU in the notification prospectus. The students can also check and refer the notification prospectus or booklet for checking the pass marks for all subjects. If you got good marks in the assignment, then 35 out of 100 will be regarded as passing marks for term end exam. The students who are pursuing under IGNOU should know about the theory marks and assignment of term end exam. The students can check their theory and assignment marks in IGNOU grade card from the official website.

Related:- IGNOU December TEE Attendence List

How the Students Can Check IGNOU Passing Marks?

The students can easily check the passing marks of IGNOU for all subjects in the official site. The exam board will be issued the subject wise passing percentage for both theory and assignments out of 50, 70 and 100. Here, we are providing the simple steps to give details about how to check IGNOU passing marks for all subjects from the official site.

Lets’ take a look:

  • Go and visit the official website of IGNOU at ignou.ac.in.
  • Home page will be available in the screen.
  • Select the preferred subjects passing marks direct link in the official website.
  • Click the download button.
  • Download IGNOU passing marks into your mobile phone or computer.
  • Save and open IGNOU passing marks in PDF format.
  • Take the hard copy of IGNOU passing marks, if you needed.

FAQ Related to IGNOU Passing Marks

Q1. What is the passing marks for IGNOU out of 100?

For passing the IGNOU Bachelor’s exam you just have to secure 35% which means that 35 marks out of 100. So you have to get a minimum of 35 marks in the TEE theory. And for the assignment exams, you have to secure 50% which means 50 marks out of 100. For the Masters You need to secure 40% marks in Theory Paper.

Q2. How someone can pass the IGNOU exam?

The best way to pass the IGNOU exam is by going through the previous year question paper. According to some seniors and intelligent student who given IGNOU exam says that, if you go through the previous year question paper then you will get the exam pattern of it and most of the question directly comes from previous year papers.

If you follow this strategy then you can pass it with Good marks easily.

Q3. How much is the passing marks for BSc in IGNOU?

Hi, you have to get 35% out of 100 for passing the IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University). In theory, you have to secure 35% minimum and 50% in assignments.

Q4. What is the Passing Marks for MPA in IGNOU?

40% in total. Assume you scored 60 in theory. At that point compute it’s 70% i.e 42. What’s more, you scored 80 in TMA then compute it’s 30% i.e 24. Consequently, your imprints in a specific subject will be determined as 42+24= 66

Q5. How students can check the IGNOU passing Marks?

We are going to provide some simple steps for checking passing marks for different subjects from the official site.

  • First of all, you have to go to this website of IGNOU http://ignou.ac.in.
  • Now in the Home Page, you have to select the subject for the preferred subject.
  • Now click on the Download button for getting the Passing marks list.
  • Now save it and open it on PDF.

Related:- IGNOU latest Results

Thanking you for visiting our site IGNOU News and reading our post. We assure that we will keep informed our site with more fine points in a little while.


View Comments

  • I want the list of IGNOU toppers for 2016 and 2017 for MEG program. I cannot find the names of toppers on the internet. Please help me to get them.

  • Haii sir,
    I would like to know is 53 marks secured for theory subject for MPA written exam is a good score or not?.and also I what to know what is the highest result score of each subject of MPA course

  • Sir I want to know the minimum passing mark of MEG.If the pass mark is 36 ,in my grade card,it is written as not completed.please tell me.

  • What is passing marks for Dnhe01,02,03
    MY assignment -86 out of 100 dnhe01 aur theroy - 31 out of 100
    And Assignment - 78 out of 100 dnhe 03 aur theroy - 27 out of 100
    grade card dnhe 02 theroy marks mention nhi h ,

  • I want the list of IGNOU toppers for 2016 and 2017 for MEc program. I cannot find the names of toppers on the internet. Please help me to get them.


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