Indira Gandhi National Open University is one of the distance and open learning education universities in India. It is located in New Delhi, India and it is shortly called as IGNOU. IGNOU offers many diploma courses in various programs for the students who have completed 10th and 12th classes. The students who have passed 10th or +2 can apply for diploma courses. IGNOU will provide the diploma courses for the 10th and 12th passed students. IGNOU will be updated the complete details about IGNOU diploma courses after 10th in the official site. To know more details about IGNOU diploma course, let you can visit the official site of the exam board at
Diploma courses offered IGNOU after 10th study
The students who want to study the diploma course through regular mode as well as distance mode can apply in IGNOU. The candidate should know about the diploma courses details and fees structure of IGNOU. The students should know about the list of the diploma courses at IGNOU. The exam board of IGNOU will be provide the complete details about IGNOU diploma courses after 10th class, diploma courses fees structure and duration of the course in the official site. The exam board of IGNOU will be provided the complete instructions about IGNOU in the notification process. Every year, the exam board of IGNOU will be presented the diploma courses for 10th and 12th class in the official website. The exam board will also mention the eligibility criteria for every course. The eligibility conditions will be differed for each and every course. Before going to apply for the application form, the students should have possessed the given eligible conditions by IGNOU. Only eligible candidates should be applied for the particular course. The exam board will be provided the notification prospectus in PDF format. The students can download the notification prospectus from the official website. The students should be requested to take the hard copy of the exam notification prospectus for their future reference.The University has made a substantial mark in the areas of higher education, community education and continual professional development. The University has been media with reputed public institutions and private partnerships for improving the educational opportunities being made available from it. Being a world leader in distance education, it has been conferred with awards of excellence with the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada, several times.
IGNOU Diploma courses offered IGNOU list after 10th study
The exam board of IGNOU will be presented the diploma courses list for 10th passed students in the official site. The exam board will be issued the application form for diploma courses. The students who want to join the diploma course in IGNOU should fill the application form. The students should be prudent to provide the valid details in the application form. The students should give their communication details, personal details and educational details in the application form. Before that, the students should verify the desired courses will be offered by IGNOU or not. The students should submit the application form before the last submission date. Otherwise, the exam board will not be accepted the application form of IGNOU. The students should be advisable to get the notification booklet from the official site along with the application form. The exam board will be listed the IGNOU diploma courses after 10th in the official website. The students can verify the diploma courses and details in the official site. Here, we are providing the few and best diploma courses offered by IGNOU for 10th passed students.
Diploma in Creativity writing in Hindi |
Diploma in Early childhood care and education (DECE) |
Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education (DNHE) |
Diploma in Management (DIM) |
Diploma in Primary Education (DPE) |
Diploma in Tourism studies (DTS) |
Diploma in Nautical Science (DNS) |
Diploma in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (DEME) |
Diploma in Youth in Development work (DCYP) |
Diploma in Computer Integrated and Manufacturing (DCIM) |
Diploma in HIV and family function (DAFE) |
Diploma in Meat technology (DMT) |
Diploma in Diary Technology (DDT) |
Diploma in Civil engineering (Army only) |
Diploma in Nursing Administration (DNA) and |
Diploma in Value added products from fruits and vegetables (DVAPFV) |
FAQ Related to IGNOU Diploma Courses After 10th
Q1. About IGNOU Diploma Courses.
IGNOU is the Indira Gandhi National Open University which is located in New Delhi which conducts many diploma courses for students who has passed 10th and 12th class. If you are 10th and 12th pass then you can also apply for Diploma courses of IGNOU. For more proper details you can visit to official website of IGNOU.
Q2. How to download Diploma Courses of IGNOU after 10th?
After completing your 10th class if you want to download Diploma Courses of IGNOU then follow the below steps:
- For that, you have to click here to visit the official website of IGNOU.
- You will see list of all available Diploma courses in form of search result in 3 pages.

Diploma Course section of Official IGNOU website
- You have to click on the course name of your choice.
- If you don’t find your preferred course than click on view page 1|2|3 to check in another page.
- After clicking, the Diploma course will appear in front of you with fee structure, Duration eligibility and other details.
- Now you can download description in PDF format and save it on your device.
Q3. What is the eligibility Criteria for the IGNOU Diploma courses?
If you want to do Diploma courses then it is necessary that you should have the passed mark sheet of class 10th and 12th which means that you should have completed your school till 12th class. If you want more details related to the eligibility criteria for IGNOU Diploma courses then visit to the official website of IGNOU.
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I’m 10the pass from ICSE and I want to do for can I get a admission for 12th?…I want to do 12th